Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What is political science

What is political science?.
Political Science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government and politics. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state.
 It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems and political behavior. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions.
 And from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works.
Political science intersects with other fields; including anthropology, national politics,economics, international relations,  psychology, sociology, history, law, and political theory.
Although it was codified in the 19th century, when all the social sciences were established, political science has ancient roots; indeed, it originated almost 2,500 years ago with the works of Plato and Aristotle.
1-Father of political science is Aristotle.
2-Aristotle said that “man is a social as well as political animal”..
3-To Aristotle “democracy is a form of polity.
4-Aristotle was the student of Plato.

5-Aristotle was the teacher of Alaxander the great.
6-Aristotle most important book on politics is “POLITICS”.
7-Aristotle established a school in Athens Known as LYCEUM.
8-Aristotle was appointed as the  head of the royal academy of  MACEDONIA  by  philip II.
9-Plato,greek philosopher, was a student of socrates.
10-Plato established the first institution of higher learning in western world known as ACADEMY (in Athens).
11-Plato’s book “REPUBLIC” is a socratic dialogue written in 380 BC.
12-Niccolo Machiavelly,italian Renaissance scholar,first time used the term “state” in the modern sence of the term.
13-Machiavelly wrote the book “The Prince”,which is a political treatise.
14-ARTHASHASTRA is an ancient indian treatise on statecraft written by Koudilya or chanakya or vishnu gupta.
15-Chanakya is known as INDIAN MACHIAVELLY.
16-Karl Marx is the Father of scientific  socialism.
17.Karl Marx is the author of “DAS CAPITAL” and COMMUNIST MANIFESTO along with ENGELS.
18-John Locke,english philosopher, is widely known as  Father of liberalism.
19-John Lock wrote the book “Two Treases of Government” and “A LETTER CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING”..
20-Lock’s political theory was founded on Social contract theory.
21-“SOCIAL CONTRACT “ is the name of a book written by Rousseau,the French Philosopher.
22-To Rousseau "Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains”.
23-Thomas Hobbes ,English Pholosopher,is the author of a work on political philosophy known as “LEVIATHAN”..
24-Hobbes was a champion of absolutism for the sovereign.
25-‘Theory of separation of Power’ was introduced by French Philosopher Montesquei.
26-Montesquei is the author of the book “SPIRIT OF LAWS”.
27-Herbert Spencer  was an English philosopher..
28-Spencer coined the coin the concept "survival of the fittest".
29-Max Webber was a german political economist .
30-Augustine of Hippo wrote the book” The City of God “.
31-To John seely “Politics has no root without History,History has no fruit without politics”..
32-Who said “politics is the shaping and sharing of power”........?.
33-Divine theory of the origin of state tells us that the state is the creation of God.
34-The force theory of the state emphasis the subordination of the weak to the strong.
35-The social contract theory suggests that the origin of the state is the result of contract or arrangement.
36-According to Woodrow Wilson “state as a people organised for law within a definite territory.
37-According to Marx Webber “a political system is a human community that successfully claim the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.
38-The largest country in the world is Russia.
39-China is the most populated country in the world.
40-The world population is estimated 7 billion (700 crore) in 2011.
41-Kerala state has an area of 38,863 km2 (15,005 sq mi).
42-Kerala state was established in November 1 ,1956.
43-M.O.H. Farook is the present Kerala Governor.
44-Kerala has a total population of 33,387,677 (2011 census).
45-Kerala has 20 lokh sabha and 9 Rajya sabha (toatal 29) members and 141 M.L.A’s.
46-Indian population is 1,210,193,422 (census 2011).
47-India president is Pratibha Patil,Prime minister Manmohan Singh,Lokh sabha speaker meera kumar,and cjief Justice of supreme court is S H KAPADIA.
48-Smallest country in the world is VATICAN CITY.
49-To Rousseau “a small state is proportionately stronger than a larger one”.
50-T Aristotle “a good citizen make a good state and a bad citizen make a bad state”.
51-Sovereignty is the spiritual element of a state.
52-Marxists believed that every state functions within the frame work set forth by the mode of production.
53-State is a politically organised society.
54-Modern political scientist give emphasis on the concept of POWER.
55-Aristotle regarded political science as a ............................scienec.?
56-Politics refers to the CURRENT PROBLEMS of the govt.
57-According to Laswell and Kaplan ,Political science is the study of shaping and sharing of powers.
58-Political science is an independent discipline developed by  Greeks.
59-Paul Janet said that “the political science is that part of science which treats of the foundations of the state and the principles of Govt”.
60-Man is the integral part in the study of state and govt.
61-Government is the agency of the state through which the purpose of the state is realised.
62-Man is the main concern of the study of all social science.
63-The scope of history is wider than political science.
64-Political behavior of the individuals are influenced by social environment.
65-Prof:Iver Brown said “Politics is but ethics writ large”.
66-All modern state aim at becoming welfare states.
67-History provides material for a comparative study of political institution.
68-Political system is considered as an extention of the existing social system.
69-Public openion is the most influencing factor in Democracy.
70-The influence of Marx and Lenin resulted in the establishment of socialism in many countries.
71-The term state is derived from the Roamn word STATUS.
72-No human association can exist without a POPULATION of its own.
73-The size of the territory and its boundary must be  FIXED.
74-A state is a TERRITORIAL entity.
75-GOVERNMENT is the agency of the state through which the will of state is expressed in the form of Law.
76-It is  SOVEREIGNTY that differentiates a state from other associations.
77-Society came into being as a result of SOCIAL instinct of man.
78-A nation is a Nationality plus STATEHOOD.
79-Family is a natural association.
80-Modern political process involves two opposite forces like CONFLICT and CO-ORDINATION.
81-Aristotle is the first man who differenciated the states.
82-GEO-POLITICS helps man to study the role of goegraphy on Politics.
83-The doctrine of RULE OF LAW is originated from ENGLAND.
84-Libery,Equality and Fraternity were popularised around the world after FRENCH REVOLUTION.
85-The LAISSEZ-FAIRE theory was propounded by Adam smith.
86-To Marx “history is the story of the struggle between two classes of society.haves and have notes”.
87-Expain the meaning and scope of political science.?


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