Thursday, November 3, 2011

Corporations and Their Lawyers Look to the Cloud for DIY E-discovery

Article by Shannon Green on on the Corporate Counsel webpage.

This article discusses a recent survey by Kroll which provides insight into corporate strategies for eDiscovery, and also looks at involvement of outside counsel law firms in those decisions.

The article states, " options for each phase of discovery can be disjointed. "The bottom line is that there are lots of little point solutions out there that corporations and law firms are looking toward to help them get this job done," says (Michele) Lange, "and they're knitting them together and jockeying the data between in-house and outsource solutions."
More than half of corporations and law firms indicated that they have no desire to assume responsibility for data hosting. Fifty-one percent of respondents across the board said that they opt to outsource the ongoing maintenance and management of data—especially if they're dealing with large data sets."

The survey indicates 86% of corporations are doing some aspect of eDiscovery on their own.

In addition, the author states, "An overwhelming 90 percent of corporate respondents said they should be the ones to make the call. But 43 percent of law firms said they should be in the driver's seat, since they are charged with representation. "There are so many tools and so much disparity in processes," says Lange, "that no one is quite in agreement as to how these decisions are going to be made.""


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