Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War

An article on the website by Sam Kelly.

The article discusses warnings issued by Eugene Kaspersky, a leading mathematics and computer security expert.

The article provides the following troubling warnings, ""I don't want to speak about it. I don't even want to think about it," he said.

"But we are close, very close, to cyber terrorism. Perhaps already the criminals have sold their skills to the terrorists - and then...oh, God."

Speaking privately at the London Cyber Conference, Kaspersky told Sky that he believed that cyber terrorism was the biggest immediate threat to have emerged to confront nations as diverse as China and the US.

"There is already cyber espionage, cyber crime, hacktivisim (when activists attack networks for political ends) soon we will be facing cyber terrorism," he said."  A link to information about the London Cyber Conference is provided in the article.

The article further mentions a serious security incident, "This week Symantec published details on Nitro, a piece of malware used to spy on chemical industries, defence contractors and other elements critical to national security, mostly in the UK, the USA and Bangladesh.

Using hacked email accounts and social networking it was injected into systems by unsuspecting workers getting apparently benign emails from people they knew.

It then transmitted stolen information to a 'command and control' location identified as Chinese."


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