Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dear Shabeermon

A letter from Canada...
Dear Shabeermon,

Chanced to see your blog. Seemed good, could not see it
extensively-however list of travellers to india was brief and useful.

I read and write. My subjects are generally related to history from
the standpoint of helping humanity to evolve into better beings---
By the what is your take on need to rewrite history due to obvious
flaws found by newer analytical technics, discovery of really old
ruins left from the time of last meltdown of ice age frozen areas,
increased waterlevels from past etc.? Do you feel current scope of
history starting from Pyramid era is good enough and that anything and
everything that has no historically identifiable signatue as of now is

would love to exchange mail from time to time.

Currently I am in Vancouver Canada but have spent many years in Dubai.
Retired from active work six years ago and spend time talking to and
meeting people in various countries. My mission, expand the

with best regards,

Nilesh M Shukla


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