Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cybercrime Has Become Epidemic Worldwide and Your Risk of Becoming the Next Victim Increases Daily!


An article by Romina Wilcox posted on the ezinearticles.com website.

This article discusses the increase in cybercrime incidents throughout the World.

The article states, "

Recently, several Hollywood celebrities have had their cellphones hacked. Their personal information, photos, text messages and emails were compromised. In the past year, several banks, insurance companies and government offices as high as the Pentagon have been hacked. Important information was stolen.

According to John Jorgensen, CEO of the Sylint Group, hackers have made Florida, where several hundred-thousand elderly have retired, the second highest state of computer crime. Theft of trade secrets has increased by 100% annually, and 80% of this cybercrime is perpetrated from within the company. Trojans and computer worms infect systems and steal personal and company information."

The article suggests, "Learn about password protection, encryption, proper erasure of files, anti-virus and anti-spy software, staying safe on social networks, and a host of other vitally important security measures."  Links to government website resources are provided in the article, the referenced links provide tips on how to take proper security measures to limit the chances of having such an issue to deal with.


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