Saturday, June 25, 2011



1-He  was a chinese buddist monk who travelled to nepal,srilanka and india to acquire Buddist scriptures between 339-412.
2-His journey is described in his important travellogue “a Record Of Buddhist Kingdomes”.
3-He is most known for his pilgrimage to lumbhini,the birth place of buddha.

4-He visited india during the period of chandraguptha vikramaditya II .
5-Faxian gave a general description of north india at that time.
6-He reported about the capital punishment ,the lack of poll tax,and land tax.
7—Most of the citizens did not consume onions,meat and wine.
8-Faxian book is actually a travell book ,filled with accounts of early buddhism,and the geography nad history of numerous countries along the silk road.
9-Fahian is said to have walked all the way from china across icy deseart and mountain passes.He entered india from the north west and reached pataliputhra.He took back with him buddhist text and images of of budha.
10-There is a cave in shimla called fahien cave.
11-Fahian visited india in 399 AD and went bach in 414 AD.
12-In india he also visited the places like kapilavasthu(birth place of budha),bodhgaya(budha got enlightened),sarnath(first sermon of budha),kushinagara (death of budha) etc.
13-Fahian comment on daily life ,social customes and local administration portray the land people as peaceful,prosperous and well governed.
14-His account is a principal literary sources for the history of guptha period.
15-He called the wooden palace at pataliputhra as works of spirit.


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