Monday, June 13, 2011



1-To measure up to the challenge of the British the Report was tabled in 1928.
2- It remains memorable as the first major Indian effort to draft a constitutional framework for India complete with lists of central and provincial subjects and fundamental rights.
2-It demanded responsible government both in the center and in the provinces. But it advocated Dominion Status and not complete independence.

3-It demanded universal adult suffrage.
4-It rejected separate communal electorates. Ii proposed reservation for the Muslims at the center and in provinces in which they were in minority.
5-The report recommended equal rights for women, freedom to from unions. and dissociation of the state from religion in any form.
6-Calcutta Session of INC in 1928 approved the report. INC now wanted the English government to either accept or
reject the recommendations of the suggested constitution based on Dominion status. By Swaraj the Congress leaders
had so far meant the Dominion Status for India within the ambit of British Empire.


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