Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Accouts of Megasthanes

Accouts of Megasthanes(BC 350-290)

**Megasthanes was agreek ambassider to the court of chandra guptha maurya.Actually he was a greek writer who compossed the famouse work entitled INDICA,which stands as an important source material for the re-construction of the history of mouryan empire,.He was born in Asiaminor(modern turkey).He came to india as the ambassider of selucus I of syria to the court of sandracottus(chandra guptha) in pataliputra.Exact date of his empassy is unknown but it is definetly before 288 BC.Infact,he is the first forieng ambassidor to be mentioned in the indian history.

Roman historian Arrian (2nd c AD)explains that “megasthanes lived in Arachosia(old persian empire) from where he visited india”.To Arrian”Megasthanes lived with sibyrtius ,the satrap of Arachosia and often speaks of his visiting sandracottus,the king of the indies”(Anabasis Alaxandri).
Megasthanes entered india through the district of pentapotamia to pataliputhra.There are accounts of megasthanes having visited Madurai(the capital of Pandyan kingdom but appears not to have visited any other aprts of india.

At the beginning of his indica,he refers the older indias who know about the pre historic arrival of Dionysus(krishna) and heracles(shiva)in india(a story very popular during alaxander period).Megasthanes mentioned about shiva (heracles)and Krishna or indra(dionysius)but he does not write a word for budhists.megasthanes also describes the features of Himalaya and the island of the shrilanka.He also describes the caste system different from what existed today.

caste system of megasthanes as follows:-
1-Coolective body of philosophers
2-husbandmen as second class
5-Military class
6-overseas class
7-Councillors or assessors.

Later writers like arrian,strabo and pliny refers to indica in their own works.Indica contained many legends and fabulous stories.Megasthanes Heracles is the conventional name of referance of an ancient indian diety.

Heracles was originally a greek divinity .Many scholars suggested that the diety identified as Lord Krishna.To megasthanes “indian tribe called sourasenoi worshipped heracles”.To edwin Francis Bryant”heracles is lord Krishna”.To james Tod”Megasthanes Heracles as Baladeva,the sibling of krishna”.To Quintus Curtius”megasthanes Heracles is Siva”.according to Dr.Schwabeck and j w Mccrindle”Megasthanes meant siva when he mentioned Heracles in his book indica”.


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