Saturday, June 18, 2011




1.Shakespeare termed India as a land of ‘great opportunities’.
2-Hegel called India as the ‘land of desires’.
3-Until 15th Century there were three trade routes only. First route to Caspian and Black Seas through Central Asia; Second to Mediterranean Sea through Syria. Third route to Egypt via Red Sea.
4-But in 1453 with the conquest of Constantinople by Turkish all the routes were closed.

5-Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on 20.5.1498 and Zamorin King welcomed him.

6-This new Sea route via ‘Cape of Good Hope’ and discovery of America were termed as two greatest by Adam Smith.
7-He again came in 1502.
8-First Governor was Fransiscl Almedia.
9-In 1509 Alfonso d’ Albuyquerque came to India as Portuguese Governor and captured Goa from Bijapur in 1510.
10-Capital transferred from Cochin to Goa in 1530 by by Nino- da cuncha,.
11- Lost Hoogli in 1631 to Shajahan.
12-1661 Bombay given Royal dowry toCharles II for marrying Catherine. 13-But they could not continue in India due to religious intolerance and piracy.
14-They taught us tobacco cultivation. Goa freed in 1961.........

1-In 1595 Dutch merchants started going to India They formed Dutch East India Company(VOC) in 1602.
2-They established a few trading depots at Surat, Cambay, Ahmedabad.
3-Lost to British in 1759 in the battle of Bedara 1759.

East India Company
1-It was originally known as Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies and Queen.
2- Elizabeth I granted royal charter on 31.12.1600.
3-The first Governor was Thomas Smith and Groups were known as ‘Merchant Adventurers’.
4- Hawkins was given 400 manasabs by Jahangir.
5-In 1615 James I sent his Ambassador Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of Jahangir.
6- First they started factory at Surat, in 1633 at Musulipattam.
7-Fort St. George was constructed in 1640 and a factory was opened at Bangalore in 1642.

8-Got madras in 1639 from Raja of Chandagiri and Fort St George

9-In 1661 Bombay was received as royal dowry from Portuguese for marrying their Princess Catherine Braganza with Charles II.
9-The Company got it from the King in 1668 for an annual rent of 10pounds.

10-In 1715 three villages Sutanati, Kalikota and Govindpur got by Hamiltongained firman in 1717 called magna carta of the company.

1-Came in 1616 Coy- Tarangampadi- Serambore capital.Sold all settlements to British in 1845.

1-1664 company- First factory at Suratr and machilipattinam-
2-First governor wasFrancois Martin- Dupliex powerful and Carnatic Wars.

3-Carnatic War French were the last to come – a.First war 1745 to 1748 – due to capture of French ship by Barmett and Duplleix opposed it . Fought at St, Thome and French won. However end of war of Austria also ended this war and Madras was given to English.

3-Second war 1749-54. French supported Muzaffar Jung and Chanda Sahib. French lost and Arcot was captured by Clive. Chanda Sahib executed.

4-Third War – Outbreak of seven years war in Europe and Capture of Chandra Nagoor by Clive led to the War.

5-Battle of Plassey 1757 – Between Siraj-ud-daula and British – British won and it paved a way for British Monarchy of Bengal – marked beginning of drain of wealth from India to Britain.

6-Battle of Buxar 1764 – Between Munro and Mir Quasim, Shuja-ud-daula and Shah Alam II. British won and became defacto rulers of Bengal.

17-Anglo Maratha War. a.First 1775-1782 – defeated of Britain. b.Second – 1803-1805c.Third – 1817-1818.


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