Saturday, July 9, 2011

Karl Marx and Historical Materialism

Karl Marx and Historical Materialism

The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital demonstrated the strong link between Karl Marx and historical materialism in his attempts to promote the rise of the proletariat.

The communist ideology undoubtedly owes a great deal to the ideas and theories of Karl Marx, the co-author of the Communist Manifesto and sole author of the volumes of Das Kapital. Both the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital demonstrated the strong link between Karl Marx and historical materialism in his attempts to promote the rise of the proletariat at the expense of the capitalist classes.
Marx And The Historical Materialism of the Proletariat
Karl Marx and historical materialism were a combination that stressed the importance of economic factors and the ongoing class struggle in how human societies were actually shaped as well as in the way the future of the world would develop.
Therefore for Karl Marx and historical materialism placed a great deal of emphasis upon capitalism replacing feudalism, and then the subsequent replacement of capitalism by communism, as the industrial proletariat would win the class struggle once as well as for all time. Karl Marx and historical materialism was the prediction that history would reach its climax with the worldwide establishment of communism.
Economic Status And Historical Materialism
Economic status, class positions, as well as material factors should be the only things, which actually mattered for communists on the road to the inevitable victory of the proletariat over their capitalist oppressors. Karl Marx stressed that historical materialism was the only valid method of understanding the past, the present, as well as the future of the human species. It was the key to a communist present as well as a communist future until the end of time.
Historical Materialism And Proletarian Victory

Karl Marx and historical materialism also stressed that the ultimate victory of the proletariat would mean the end of organised religion and poverty as well as the demise of capitalism all by itself. Karl Marx regarded the concept of historical materialism as the key to the eventual triumph of the proletariat. Karl Marx also believed that the establishment of communist political parties that readily accepted the notion of historical materialism would provide them with the ability to succeed in the class war.


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