Monday, May 7, 2012


1). The Indian Association and National Conference both were founded by-
a) Surendranath Bannerjee
b) Ananda Mohana Bose
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Sisir kumar Ghosh
2). Who of the following founded a National society, a national paper, a national school and a national Gymnasium and made the word “ National “ popular in the later half of 19th century?
a) Jothindranath Tagore
b) Rajanarayan Bose
c) Nabagopal mitra
d) Satyendranath Tagore

3). Balagangadhar Tilak was given the epithet of “ LOKMANYA “ during:
a) Swadeshi movement
b) Revolement
c) Home rule movement
d) His imprisonment in 1908
4). Who was instrumental in founding the National Committee in 1938 for drawing up a plan for economic development on the basis of industrialization?
a) Subhas Chandra Bose
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
5). Madan lal Dhingra murdered Curzon Wyllie in London, who was a ____________
a) Sec. of State for India
b) Advisor to the Sec of State for India
c) Law member of Viceroy’s exe council
d) Former Governor of Punjab
6). The day Mahatma Gandhi launched the Non-Cooperation movement, a great national leader died. He was_________
a) Gopala Krishna Gokhale
b) Pherozshah Mehta
c) C R Das
d) Balagangadhar Tilak
7). After the partition of Bengal, two new provinces which came into existence were?
a) East Bengal & West Bengal
b) East Bengal & Bengal
c) West Bengal & Assam
d) West Bengal & Bengal
8). Mahatma Gandhi presided over the annual session of INC for only once at:
a) Kakinada 1923
b) Belgaum 1924
c) Kanpur 1925
d) Gaulhathi 1926
9). The historic Lucknow session of INC in 1916 was presided over by_________
a) Mrs. Annie Besant
b) R N Mudhokar
c) Ambika Charan Majumdar
d) Madan Mohan Malviya
10). Subhas Chandra Bose was re-elected president of INC at the Tripuri session in 1939 by defeating:
a) Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
11). The 1st satyagrahi selected by Mahatma Gandhi to launch the Individual Satyagraha in oct 1940 was:
a) C Rajagopalachari
b) Vallabhai Patel
c) J B Kriplani
d) None of the above
12). The brain behind the bomb attack an Viceroy Lord Hardinge at Chandni chowk, Delhi in Dec 1912 was:
a) Rash Bihari Bose
b) Bhai Paramanda
c) Sachindranath Sanyal
d) Shohanal Pathak
13). The earliest public association to be formed in modern India in 1837 was:
a) The Bengal British Indian Society
b) The British Indian Society
c) The Landholders Society
d) The Madras Native Association
14). The word “Congress” was borrowed form:
a) The Congress of USA
b) North American History, to cannote an assembly of people
c) The Congress of Trade Unions
d) The Congress of World Religions
15). The most important international event which influenced the course of the Indian National Movement during the early 20th century was:
a) The Russian Revolution 1917
b) The Russo-Japanese War 1905
c) The World War-I <1914-1918>
d) Boer War 1899
16). The historic importance of the second session of INC held in Calcutta 1886 was that:
a) There was merger of INC and National Conference
b) It was presided over by Dadabhai Naoroji
c) Mass participation
d) All the above
17). Through which of the following was the partition of Bengal subsequently annualled?
a) Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
b) Hunter Commission 1918
c) Delhi Darbar 1911
d) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
18). Match of the following INC presidents with their respective Firsts and select correct answers from the codes given below:
INC Presidents Firsts
I. W C Bannerjee 1) 1st Anglo-Christian
II. Dadabhai Naoroji 2) 1st Muslim President
III. Badaruddin Tyabji 3) English President
IV. George Yule 4) Parsi President
a) 1 4 2 3
b) 1 2 3 4
c) 2 3 1 4
d) 3 4 1 2
19). On the suggestion of Ravindranath Tagore The date of partition of Bengal oct 16, 1905 was celebrated as:
a) Solidarity Day
b) Rakhsha Bandhan Day
c) Black Day
d) Brotherhood Day
20). Who organized the Satyagraha Sabha whose members took a pledge to disobey the Rowlatt Act?
a) Madan Mohan Malaviya
b) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Mazhar-ul-Haq
21). Why did the crowd had gathered at JallianwalahBagh, Amritsar on Apr 13, 1919:
a) To protest against the passing of the Rowlatt’s Act
b) To organize a satyagraha against the general rude behavior of Gen. Dyer
c) To protest against the arrest of their popular leaders, Dr.Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr. Satyapal
d) To mourn the death of a local leader in police custody
22). Chittagong Armory raid was organized by
a) Jathin Das
b) Surya Sen
c) Ganesh Ghosh
d) Ambika Choudary
23). The objective of the new policy of “Council Entry” proposed by the Swarajists was:
a) To give a trial to the 1919 Act
b) To wreck the reform from within by ‘uniform consistent and continuous obstruction’
c) To expose No Changers
d) To provide better administration
24). The provision for separate electorate for which of the following communities “ in the communal Award<1932> made Gandhiji undertake a fast unto death:
a) Depressed classes
b) Backward classes
c) Europeans
d) Christians
25). As a result of the Poona Pact the number of seats reserved for the Depressed classes out of general electorate seats were:
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Retained at the same level
d) Abolished
26). Quit India Movement was carried on the overall leadership of:
a) Gandhiji
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Ram Manohar Lohia
d) None of the Above
27). Which of the following was responsible for the large scale communal riots during and after August 1946 especially “ Great Calcutta Killings”?
a) Failure of the Cabinet Mission
b) Uncompromising attitude of Muslim League
c) Unilateral offer made by Viceroy to Nehru to form interim govt
d) The observance of Direct Action Day by Muslim League
28). What did the Mountbatten plan relate to?
a) Creation of federal govt
b) Guidelines for the formation of a constitution for India by the constituent assembly
c) The method by which power was to be transferred from British to Indian hands
d) A plan for controlling the constituent riots raging all over India at that time
29). The HSRA movement ended with the death of
a) Bhagat Singh
b) Ram Prasad Bismil
c) Chandrashekhar Azad
d) Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee
30). A women revolutionary, who while receiving her degree at the convocation of the university of Calcutta from the Governor of Bengal was:
a) Kalpana Datta
b) Bina Das
c) Preetilata Wadeyar
d) Lila Nag
31). Gandhiji gave the title of “SARDAR” to Vallabhai Patel for his great organizational skills in:
a) Kheda Satyagraha
b) Salt Satyagraha
c) Individual Satyagraha
d) Bardolli Satyagraha
32). The most controversial measure of Viceroy Lord Mountbatten was:
a) Partitioning of Bengal & Punjab
b) Acceptance of Governor Generalship of Independent India Union
c) Advancing the date of transfer of power from June 1948 to August 1947
d) Holding referendum in NWFP
33). The popular movements in various princely states were launched by the local organizations known as:
a) Rajamandals
b) Princely States of Congress
c) Prajamandals
d) Prajatantramandals
34). In 1934, Gandhi withdrew from all political activities and made a country wide tour covering a distance of 12,504 miles. This tour is known as:
a) JanJagaran Yatra
b) Samaj Samatha Yatra
c) Harijan Yatra
d) Anti-Untouchability Yatra
35). A novel and remarkable feature of the Civil Disobedience movement was the widespread participation of:
a) Peasents
b) Students
c) Women
d) Industrialists
36). The unique contribution of Rani Gaidinlu;s Naga movement was that:
a) She gave considerable support to INC
b) It was the only Nationalist movement of tribals in North-East
c) For the first time the tribal if N-E demanded autonomy
d) She integrated the Tribal movement with civil disobedience movement
37). What is the correct chronological sequence of the following stages in the political life of Gandhiji?
1) Champaran (2) Ahmedabad mill strike (3) Kheda (4) Non-Cooperation Movement
a) 2 4 3 1
b) 1 3 2 4
c) 4 3 2 1
d) 3 4 2 1
38). The title given by British govt to the Mahatma Gandhiji which he surrendere during the Non-Cooperation Mov was:
a) Hind Kesari
b) Kaiser-e-Hind
c) Rai Bahadur
d) Rt.Honourable
39). Which of the following were the main objectives for the Khilafath Movement?
a) To rouse Anti-British feeling among the muslims of India
b) To reform the Muslim society
c) To demand separate electorates and preserve the Khalifate
d) To save the Ottoman empire and preserve the Khalifate
40). In the interim govt formed in 1946, the vice-president of executive council was:
a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad\
b) C. Rajagopalachari
c) Dr. RadhaKrishnan
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
41). Who discovered Balgangadhar Tilak as the Father of Indian Unrest?
a) Valentine Chirol
b) Disraeli
c) Minto
d) Chelmsford
42). Where did the rebels of 1857 revolt massacre alarge number of Englishmen and women after promising them safe conduct?
a) Lucknow
b) Kanpur
c) Delhi
d) Allahabad
43). Who was the famous Urdu poet who witnessed the massacre of male civilians of Delhi by the British soldiers ?
a) Firaq Gorakhpuri
b) Joshh Malihabadi
c) Mirza Galib
d) Mir Babar Ali Anis
44). The most important centre of Revolt of 1857 in Rajasthan was:
a) Kotah
b) Nasirabad
c) Jaisalmer
d) Ajmer
45). With the capture of which of the following rebels in April 1858, could be said as the end of 1857 revolt ?
a) Kunwar Singh
b) Nana Saheb
c) Tantia Tope
d) Begum Hazrat Mahal
46). The leader of the 1857 revolt in Assam was?
a) Diwan Maniram Putti
b) Kandar Paswar Singh
c) Purandar Singh
d) Piali Barwa
47). The army of emperor Bahadur Shah in Delhi was commanded by
a) Gen Bakth Khan
b) Khan Bahadur Khan
c) Babu Kunwar Singh
d) Azimulla
48). Match the following leaders with the centers of their rebellion
Leaders Centres
Begum Hazrat Mahal 1. Rohilkhand
Khan Bahadur Khan 2. Bihar
Kunwar Singh 3. Lucknow
Dhondu Pant 4. Kanpur
a) 3 1 2 4
b) 2 3 4 1
c) 3 2 1 4
d) 3 4 2 1
49). Which of the following leaders of 1857 revolt escaped to Nepal and whose subsequent movements were never known thereafter?
a) Nana Saheb
b) Begum Hazrat Mahal
c) Tantia Tope
d) Both (a) & (b)
50). The modern Indian historian who has written “ it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the so called First National war of Independence was neither first nor national nor a war of independence” is:
a) S N Sen
b) Dr. Tarachand
c) Dr. R C Majumdar
d) Dr. K K Dutta
51). During 1857 revolt ,the British after capturing Delhi what was their most Brutal act( by General Hudson ,commander in chief of the English troops)?
a) Stripping of the clothes of the sons of Bahadur Shah
b) Imprisoning Emperor Zafar Bahadur Shah
c) Shooting down the sons of Bahadur Shah
d) Terrorising the people of Delhi
52). Lord Dalhousie tried to snatch away the remaining geory of the Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah-II by:
a) Reducing his pension
b) Forcing him to disarm his body gaurds
c) Derecognising his imperial title
d) Asking him to vacate the Red Fort and move to a humber place
53). Where did the sepoys break out in revolt on 10th May, 1857?
a) Kanpur
b) Barrackpore
c) Berhampore
d) Meerut
54). The leaders of the 1857 revolt who sent 3 letters to King Napolean III of France during the rebellion was:
a) Emperor Bahadur Shah
b) Nana Saheb
c) Rani Lakshmi Bai
d) Tantia Tope
55). Both the transfer of power and the partition of India were hurled through in____days.
a) 94
b) 86
c) 72
d) 68
56). The concept of national education was propounded during the course of the _______ movement/
a) Home Rule Movement
b) Swadeshi
c) Non-Cooperation
d) Civil Disobedience
57). After the passing of Govt of India Act 1935,the total number of provinces in British India became:
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
58). The revolutionaries who were arrested in the assembly bomb case were?
a) Bhagat Singh & Batukeshwar Dutt
b) Bhagat Singh & Chandrashekar Azad
c) Bhagat Singh & Sachindranath Sanyal
d) Jathin Bose & Bhagat Singh
59). According to the provisions of which of the following acts, Burma was separated from the British Indian Administration?
a) Govt of India Act 1919
b) Govt of India Act 1935
c) Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
d) Indian Independence Act 1947
60). The INC gave upits ideal of united India & accepted partition, because
a) The INC was Shrinking into a civil war
b) The INC leaders felt that ,partition is a lesser evil than civil war
c) The INC leaders sccumbled to the temptation of power and stuck a deal with Britishers
d) The Interim Govt has become an arena of struggle.
1-c 2-c 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-d 7-b 8-b 9-c 10-a 11-d 12-a 13-c 14-b 15-b 16-a 17-c 18-a 19-b 20-c 21-c 22-b 23-b 24-a 25-a 26-d 27-d 28-c 29-c 30-b 31-d 32-* 33-c 34-c 35-c 36-d 37-b 38-b 39-d 40-c 41-a 42-b 43-c 44-a 45-c 46-a 47-a 48-a 49-d 50-c 51-c 52-d 53-d 54-b 55-c 56-b 57-b 58-a 59-b 60-b


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