Thursday, February 16, 2012



Which dynasty issued the largest number of gold coins? – Guptas
The earliest inscriptions are found on ‘seals of Harappa belonging to about 2500 BC, but the earliest inscriptions deciphered so fat belonged to- Asoka
The earliest Brahmi script was interpreted for the first time by – James Prince
Where was fourth council of Buddhist held? -Kundalvan Vihar in Kashmir

Why is 6th century B.C. considered to be very important period in Indian history? -Because it was the age of Gautam and Mahavir and the rise of Buddhism and Jainism. The rise of Magadh is yet another important event of this period.
In Vijay Nagar state, the Pranpati who did not belong to the Royal family but were appointed on merit were often called – Dand Nayak
Who were poliogars? -The subordinate of Nayaks in Vijay Nagar State
Who was the ruler of India at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion -Muhammad Shah
Which Mughal ruler was called the prince of builders? –Shahjahan
With Whom Lord Cornwallis con- ducted the Permanent Settle meets? – Zamindars
The founder of the Karkota dynasty in Kashmir was: -Avantivarman
Under Harshvardhan in the seventh century A. D. the centre of political gravity in north India shifted from Magadh to: -Kannauj
The Chalukyas or Solankis ruled over Gujarat for almost three and a half centuries between: The year 950-1300 A.D.
Who wrote Ain-i-Akbari ? -Abul Fazl
During the sultan’s: period the highest category of peasants were: -The Knots and muqaddams
During the Sultanate period the territories whose revenues went directly to the Sultan’s treasury called: - Khalise
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq is credited with the foundation if the third city of Delhi known as: – Tughlaqabad
Which Indian philosophy postulates a dualism of the matter and soul, and declares that salvation depends on fully recognizing the atomic cadre of the universe and its difference with the soul? – Vaisesika
The last Tirthankara tradition is: – Vardhamana Mahavira..

Indian Polity and Constitution:
A judge of the Supreme Court can be removed from his/her office during his/her tenure by -The President on the basis of resolution passed by Parliament by special majority.
Among police, law and order, prisons and criminal procedure code which is not included in the State List of the Constitution of India?- Criminal Procedure Code
The authority to specify as to which castes shall be deemed to be Scheduled Castes rests with the -President
In India, the Vice-president is elected by an electoral college consisting of -Members of both Houses of Parliament
How many members are required to complete the quorum in Rajya Sabha? -25
Fundamental Rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution can be Suspended by -A proclamation of National Emergency
Which Fundamental Right is guaranteed only to the citizens and not to the foreigners? -Freedom of speech and expression
The State of Jammu and Kashmir has been included in -Schedule one of the Constitution
What kind of Emergency, the Union cannot impose on the State of Jammu and Kashmir?-Financial Emergency
A political party is recognised as national or regional by -The Election Commission
Part XVIII of the Constitution deals with: – Emergency Provisions
Right to freedom of religion as enshrined in Article 25-28 includes – Freedom of Conscience, and the free profession, practice and propagation of religion
The right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental rights including the writs of habeas corpus mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo warrants are the parts of: – Right to Constitutional Remedies
The right to acquire, hold and dispose of property was deleted from the chapter of fundamental rights by: – The 44th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1978
Which Article grants protection to persons who are arrested or detained?- Article 22
The Article 40 which requires the state to organist Village Panchayats and endows them with necessary powers and authority to enable them to function as units of self government is part: – Directive Principles of Slate Policy
The law which aims at protecting the monuments, places and objects of national importance is: -The Ancient and Historical Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act (1951)
The Cabinet is the nucleus of power in: Parliamentary System
The foremost basic features of the Constitution of India include: – Supremacy of the Constitution, Independence of Judiciary, Rule of Lam Principle of Equality, Judicial Review and Secularism
President of India can be reelected: – For any number of

Indian National Movement and Constitutional Development:
Who is the foundered the National Indian Association? -Mary Carpenter
Who was the first Indian Governor General of free India? – C. Rajagopalachari
Who was the founder of the British Indian Association? – Devendra Nath Tagore
When did India become Republic? – 26th January, 1950
The Constituent Assembly of India held its first session on – 6 December, 1946
What was the Mountbatten’s Declaration on the freedom of India and its partition? -June 3rd plan
“……..It was a post-dated cheque on a cashing bank” This statement about the Cripp’s proposal was made by -M. K. Gandhi
The first gathering of the leaders i of the Princely States, leading to the formation of the all India States People’s Conference took place in -1927
Why was Kheda Satyagraha with- drawn? -Withdrawn by Gandhiji when he came to know that instructions had been issued to recover revenue only from those peasants who could affort it.
The partition of Bengal made in 1905 was annulled by the king’s proclamation at the -Delhi Durbar in 1911
Bal Gangadhar Tilak introduced the slogan ‘Swaraj is my birth right’ in: – The year 1906
Lala Lajpat Rai was also known as: – Sher-e-punjab
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born in the year: -1872
Doctrine of Passive Resistance’ was published in the daily Bande Mataram in: – April 1907 by so Aurobindo Ghosh
Who said ”Curzon’s partition of Bengal gave unwitting initiative to events of such magnitude which returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom: – Dr. S. Gopal
The Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha was formed in: -1893
Who founded Abhinav Bharat? -V. D. Savarkar
The two names who were associated with the publication of the Paper “Yugantar’ are: Barindra Kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta
Delhi was formally declared the future capital of the British India in: -1911
The year which is associated with the Gadar Movement is: – 1915.


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