Saturday, January 28, 2012

who founded INA

I have some doubts.vil u pls help me?

1.INA founded by-

Rash bihari Bose .its early name was Azad Hind Fauj which was formed by sardar mohan sing.later subhash chandra Bose reorganised and strengthened the Army .
It had a women regiment with name "Rani Lak shmi bai" Of Jhansi.Its head is captain Lakshmi ..

2.varna system appeared in the –

Rigvedic period .The 10th Mangala of Rigveda (Purusha suktha )mentioned the four classes of the society first time.

3. Kitab-i-rehla written by-

Ibn batutah

4.First Neolithic site in India-


The beginning of the Neolithic culture is considered to be in the Levant (Jericho, modern-day West Bank) about By 10200-8800 cal. BCE.
Pallavaram is considered to be one of the oldest inhabited places in South India. A major archaeological find was made in the year 1864 when the British archaeologist Robert Bruce Foote discovered a stone implement from the Paleolithic Ageinside a ballast pit.
 Since then, a number of stone age artifacts have been uncovered. Most of these artifacts are currently lodged in the Egmore museum.
The present-day town of Pallavaram has its origins in the setllement of Pallavapuram which existed during the time of the 7th century Pallava king Mahendravarman I. The remains of a cave shrine constructed by the Pallava ruler have been found at the spot where an Islamic dargah now stands.
Both the Mughal Empire and the British East India Company had their cantonments in Pallavaram. During the 17th century, Pallavaram remained dependent for sometime, upon the Portuguese colony of San Thome. During the 18th century, the British established a cantonment at Pallavaram, supplementary to the one at St. Thomas Mount.
A wireless station was established in the early years of the 20th century. The Madras aerodrome was opened at Pallavaram in 1929. From the late 1930s onwards, Pallavaram formed one of the chief areas of Greater Madras.

Sir John Lubbock coined the term Neolithic in his book Prehistoric Teme , first published in 1865. The term refers to an age in which stone implements were more skillfully made and more varied in form.
It was V. Gardon Childe who defined the Neolothic-Chalcolithic culture as a self sufficient food economy
Miles Burkit put forward the following four characteristics a culture should fulfil to be called a Neolithic Culture
            Agriculture practice
Domestication of animal
polished and grined stone tools
pottery manufacture

5.Asokan’s pillar inscriptions mainly in which language-


Alexander Cunningham, one of the first to study the inscriptions on the pillars, remarks that they are written in eastern, middle and western Prakrits which he calls "the Punjabi or north-western dialect, the Ujjeni or middle dialect, and the Magadhi or eastern dialect."  They are written in the Brahmi script.
History of discovery
The first Pillar of Ashoka was found in the 16th century by Thomas Coryat in the ruins of ancient Delhi. Initially he assumed that from the way it glowed that it was made of brass, but on closer examination he realized it was made of highly polished sandstone with upright script that resembled a form of Greek.

In the 1830s James Prinsep began to decipher them with the help of Captain Edward Smith and George Turnour. They determined that the script referred to King Piyadasi which was also the epithet of an Indian ruler known as Ashoka who came to the throne 218 years after Buddha's enlightenment.

Scholars have since found 150 of Ashoka's inscriptions, carved into the face of rocks or on stone pillars marking out a domain that stretched across northern India and south below the central plateau of the Deccan. These pillars were placed in strategic sites near border cities and trade routes.

6.Is it any difference between vikram samvat and vikram era.

Vikram Samvat or  Vikram Samwat or Vikram's Era,  is the calendar established by Indian  emperor  Vikramaditya. It is a popularly used calendar in India and the official calendar of Nepal.
The Vikrama Samvat was founded by the emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain[1] following his victory over the Sakas in 56 BCE, although it is popularly (and incorrectly) associated with the subsequent king Chandragupta Vikramaditya.
It is a lunar calendar based on ancient Hindu tradition (see Hindu calendar and Vedic time keeping). The Vikram Samvat calendar is 56.7 years ahead (in count) of the solar Gregorian calendar.
For example, the year 2056 BS began in CE 1999 and ended in CE 2000. In Northern India the calendar starts with the first day after the new moon in the month Chaitra, which usually falls in March/April in the Gregorian calendar.
Again in Western India the same era begins with the first day after the new moon in the month of Kartika which usually falls in October and November in the Gregorian calendar. In Nepal, it begins in mid-April and marks the start of the solar new year. It is official calendar of Nepal.
In India, Saka Calendar is officially used but interestingly in the Hindi version of Preamble of The Constitution of India, the date of adoption of constitution 26 Nov 1949 is presented in Vikram Samvat .

7.The famous Dilwara temple AT Mount Abu built by –


The Jain Dilwara temples of India are located about 2½ kilometers from Mount Abu, Rajasthan's only hill station. Thesetemples built by Chalukya between the 11th and 13th centuries AD are world famous for their stunning use of marble.
The Dilwara Jain Temples, famous for architectural beauty, were built about 1088 AD during the reign of Vimalasah. Constructed in white marble, these temples were built to a set plan on a high platform, a cell enshrining a deity surrounded by a walled courtyard.

Around the courtyard are other shrines with images of Jain tirthankaras. The two temples here of note are the Vimalavasahi temple dedicated to Adinatha, the Jain titthankara and the Tejpala temple with its intricately ornamental ceiling and white marble halls displaying delicate architecture.

The circular design with spokes of finely sculptured figures on pedestals at the bases of which are other figures in a sitting posture add to the grandeur of the ceiling.

8.Who built Grand trunk road-


9.Hero of Chilappathikaram-


10.Rana kumba’s tower of victory at-


11.Indusvalley civilization belongs to-


12.Howmany policemen burned to death in the tragedy of chaurichaura?


13.Rajatharangini written by Kalhana then who is Pandit Kachan?.


14.”If on earth be an eden of bliss, it is thisb,it is this ,none but this “this inscription is engraved on which of the structure of Shajahan?

 Red fort

15.Aurangzeb hate music. Is he an accomplished veena player?

Yes.he was.

16 whose period Diwan-i-khas and Diwan-i-am built?

Shajahan .

17.Poet laureate-


18.Butshikan or Idolbreaker-

Mahmood of Ghazni or Sikander Shah.

Later historians have related how Mahmud refused the enormous ransom offered by the Brahmans, and preferred the title of `Idol-breaker (But-shikan) to that of `Idol-seller' (But-farosh). He struck the idol with his mace and his piety was instantly rewarded by the precious stones that came out of its belly.

 Sikandar has been tainted in Kashmiri history as Butshikan or idol-breaker.

19.The largest number of gold coins issued by –

Guptas .

20.Wardha scheme of basic education in 1937 by


21.5TH VEDA-in tamil

22.Vikramasila university situated in which place?

Antichak . (village Antichak, district Bhagalpur, Bihar)


CE 250s–CE 500s

24.Fatehpursikri was built in the place where which muslim saint lived?

25.Late Rajamatha vijaraje scindia was the maharani of ?

26.which was the largest and richest princely states of pre independence period?

May be Jaipur Or Hudrabad.

27.Ramtanu was the original name of?

Tansen ,.Tansen's name as a child was Ramtanu (he may have had other nicknames/names like Tanna and Mukul).

28.The final act of betrayal was when Tipu went himself to flight the british soldiers that were able to enter the fort courtyard. One of the traitors then ordered the inner doors to be shut. Who was the traitor?

Mir Sadiq. Tipu was trapped in the courtyard with a handful of faithful followers and surrounded by the British soldiers. They fought for a long time. Three horses were shot from under Tipu. In the fort, Mir Sadiq declared that Tipu had abducted. However, one of Tipu's loyal followers attacked and killed Mir Sadiq.


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