Friday, January 20, 2012

Judge me by my action and not by my words

Question Of The Day

I am stuck with an objective question. It would be highly appreciated if you could answer that for me.

Who said, "Judge me by my action and not by my words" ?

a) Lord Lytton    b) Lord Ripon  
c) Lord Dalhousie    d) Lord Curzon

Also, I want to know on what context the above line was said by the person ?

Many thanks in advance. As per our "deal" (see below), I am expecting a reply from you. :-) :-)

Ripon Sarkar.
Answer=Lord Ripon.
Lord Ripon was a true democrat.In 1852 Ripon wrote in a pamphlet entitled “the duty of the age” that democracy was determined two factors.
First,that every man so far as he is a man has a claim to share in the government of his country,in all its duties,responsibilities and charges ,and secondly,that self government is the highest and noblest principles of politics ,the safest foundation on which the state can rest.
The sincerity of purpose is clear from his first public pronouncement in calcutta when he said”judge me by my acts and not by my words”.....He was inspired with a sense of mission and duty towards India.


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