Saturday, January 28, 2012

Harappan Civilization-objective

Harappan Civilization

The main Characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) Pucca houses
(b) Drainage system
(c) Town Planning
(d) Well laid out roads

Answer: Drainage system

The main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley civilization was
(a) Cattle rearing
(b) Trade
(c) Hunting
(d) Agriculture

Answer: Agriculture

Which one of the following archaelogists initially discovered the Mohenjodaro site of the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Rakhal Das Banerji
(b) Sir Martimer Wheeler
(c) Sir John Marshall
(d) Daya Ram Sahni

Answer: Rakhal Das Banerji

Which one of the following was not an Indus Valley Civilization site ?
(a) Sukatagendor
(b) Patliputra
(c) Lothal
(d) Rangpur

Answer: Patliputra

Which one of the following elements of Hinduism were practised in the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Worshipping cows
(b) Cult of Shiva
(c) Idol worship
(d) Wearing of sacred threads

Answer: Cult of Shiva

Which of the following metals was not known to Indus Valley people ?
(a) Bronze
(b) None of these
(c) Iron
(d) Copper

Answer: Iron

Nomad man started settling in
(a) Palaeolithic Age
(b) None of these
(c) Mesolithic Age
(d) Neolithic Age

Answer: Neolithic Age

The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Ropar
(c) Harappa
(d) Lothal

Answer: Mohenjodaro

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the religion practised by Harappan people ?
(a) Faith in magic, charms and sacrifices
(b) Belief in life after death
(c) Nature worship
(d) Worship of Mother Goddess

Answer: Nature worship

Which of the following Indus Valley sites is now in Pakistan ?
(a) Alamgirpur
(b) Harappa
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal

Answer: Harappa

The Harappan site showing evidence of two cultural phases, Harappan and pre-Harappan, is
(a) Kalibangan
(b) Banwali
(c) Mohenjodaro
(d) Chanhu-daro

Answer: Kalibangan

The earliest evidence of silver in India is found in the
(a) Chalcolithic cultures of Western India
(b) Silver punch - marked coins
(c) Vedic texts
(d) Harappan Culture

Answer: Harappan Culture

The period when men used both stones and copper tools is known as the
(a) Chalcolithic Age
(b) Neolithic Age
(c) Metal Age
(d) Monolithic Age

Answer: Metal Age

The Indus Valley Civilization is known as Aryan Civilization because of the evidence of
(a) Copper
(b) Pottery
(c) Script
(d) Art

Answer: Script

Man passed from the food gathering stage to food producing stage in the
(a) Neolithic Age
(b) Chalcolithic Age
(c) Palaeolithic Age
(d) Mesolithic Age

Answer: Neolithic Age

The greatest invention of man in palaeolithic was
(a) Potter's wheel
(b) Spinning of cloth
(c) Metal implements
(d) Fire

Answer: Fire

The script of Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) Undeciphered
(b) Dravidian
(c) Persian
(d) Sanskrit

Answer: Dravidian

The Indus Valley people knew the use of
(a) Gold, tin, bronze but not copper
(b) Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron
(c) Copper, iron, gold but not bronze
(d) Silver, lead, iron but not gold

Answer: Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron

Knowledge about the existence of which of the following animals is doubtful in the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Horses
(b) Cat
(c) Dog
(d) Bull

Answer: Cat

The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to the
(a) Palaeolithic Age
(b) Mesolithic Age
(c) Chalcolithic Age
(d) Neolithic Age

Answer: Neolithic Age

Palaeolithic remains have been dicovered in
(a) Calcutta
(b) Punjab
(c) Bellary
(d) Lucknow

Answer: Bellary

The script of the Harappan people consisted of
(a) None of these
(b) A family of quasi - pictographic writings.
(c) A family of geometrical shapes
(d) A combination of both picture and geometrical shapes

Answer: A family of quasi - pictographic writings.

Which of the following Harappan sites had a dock ?
(a) Harappa
(b) Alamgirpur
(c) Mohenjodaro
(d) Lothal

Answer: Lothal

Which of the following statements regarding Indus Vallley Civilization is incorrect ?
(a) There was a great communal bath in Mohenjodaro.
(b) Excavations at Lothal proved that the civilization was confined to Harappa and Mohenjodaro only.
(c) The supreme god was the Pipal God.
(d) People had great artistic sense.

Answer: Excavations at Lothal proved that the civilization was confined to Harappa and Mohenjodaro only.

At which of the following places have excavations in recent years brought to light new evidence of Neolithic sites in India ?
(a) Diamabad in Ahmednagar
(b) Sringaverapur in U.P.
(c) Hulas in Saharanpur
(d) Hamren in Assam

Answer: Hamren in Assam

Which of the following presents the most significant feature of Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) First true arches
(b) Burnt brick buildings
(c) Art and architecture
(d) Buildings of worship

Answer: Burnt brick buildings

The figure of the god that was depicted in the seal of Indus Valley people is
(a) Pashupati
(b) Varuna
(c) Agni
(d) Indra

Answer: Pashupati

The remains of a wooden drain of Indus Valley Civilization have been found at
(a) Lothal
(b) Kalibangan
(c) Harappa
(d) Mohenjodaro

Answer: Mohenjodaro

Of the following Harappan sites those not in India are
(a) Lothal and Kalibangan
(b) Lothal and Ropar
(c) Mohenjodaro and Harappa
(d) Bhanwali and Ropar

Answer: Mohenjodaro and Harappa

Rice cultivation is associated with Harappan site of
(a) Harappa
(b) Ropar
(c) Lothal
(d) Kalibangan

Answer: Lothal

Which of the following sites is associated with Harappan culture ?
(a) Lothal
(b) Chinsura
(c) Chandernagore
(d) Vaishali

Answer: Lothal

Which of the following is incorrect concerning Mohenjodaro ?
(a) There was no drainage system.
(b) Bathrooms were important features of most houses.
(c) It was a well planned city.
(d) Buildings were of varying sizes.

Answer: There was no drainage system.

At which Harappan site have traces of a horse been found ?
(a) Sukatagendor
(b) Surkotda
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal

Answer: Surkotda

The Indus Valley people had trade relations with
(a) Greece
(b) Ceylon
(c) Mesopotamia
(d) Egypt

Answer: Mesopotamia

Indus Valley Civilization was spread over
(a) Punjab, Sind, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat
(b) Sind, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P., Rajasthan, Gujarat
(c) Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan
(d) Along Indus river

Answer: Sind, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P., Rajasthan, Gujarat

The Indus Valley houses were built of
(a) Stone
(b) Bricks
(c) Bamboos
(d) Wood

Answer: Bricks

The God with three heads and horns, surrounded by animals, represented on a seal from Mohenjodaro is said to be
(a) Vishnu
(b) Pashupati
(c) Varuna
(d) Indra

Answer: Pashupati

The Indus Valley Civilization flourished during
(a) 2500-1750 B.C.
(b) 1500-500 B.C.
(c) 3000-1500 B.C.
(d) 5000-3500 B.C.

Answer: 3000-1500 B.C.

Which of the following animals were domesticated by the Harappans ?
(a) Buffalo, sheep, dog, pig
(b) Camel, oxen, buffalo, pig
(c) Goat, oxen, pig, buffalo
(d) Oxen, elephant, horse, pig

Answer: Buffalo, sheep, dog, pig

The Indus Valley people worshipped
(a) Varuna
(b) Mitra
(c) Mother Goddess
(d) Indra

Answer: Mother Goddess

The tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization were mostly made of
(a) Copper and bronze
(b) Stone and copper
(c) Stone
(d) Copper and iron

Answer: Copper and bronze

The main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization are
(a) Palm and barch leaf manuscripts
(b) Archaeological excavations
(c) Inscriptions
(d) Coins

Answer: Archaeological excavations

There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjodaro and
(a) Egypt
(b) Afghanistan
(c) China
(d) Sumeria

Answer: Sumeria

The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavations of Harappa was made up of
(a) Steatite
(b) Red limestone
(c) Bronze
(d) Terracotta

Answer: Bronze

The Great Granary of the Indus Valley Civilization has been discovered at
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Lothal
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Harappa

Answer: Harappa

Which of the following statements regarding the Indus Valley Civilization is not True ?
(a) The excavations at Harappa are attributed to R.B. Daya Ram Sahni.
(b) The open courtyard was the basic feature of house planing.
(c) The Assembly Hall was discovered at Mohenjodaro
(d) The Indus Valley people were not acqainted with the art of spinning and weaving.

Answer: The Indus Valley people were not acqainted with the art of spinning and weaving.

The Stone Age people had the first domestic
(a) Dogs
(b) Horses
(c) Sheep
(d) Asses

Answer: Sheep

Near the banks of which of the following rivers, the recent excavations have brought to light that Indus Valley Civilization percolated to farsouth ?
(a) Mahanadi
(b) Cauvery
(c) Krishna
(d) Godavari

Answer: Krishna

Archaelogical excavations have revealed remains of stadium in 
(a) Tanjore 
(b) Sopara 
(c) Broach 
(d) Lothal 

Answer: Lothal


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