Friday, November 4, 2011

The CIO’s Guide to e-Discovery in the Cloud

An article on the website CIO Update (No author credit listed).

This article discusses eDiscovery and provides some insight to CIO's as to potential pitfalls that are found in the Federal Civil Procedure Rules, as well as jurisdictional issues faced by corporations with offices in more than one nation.

The article states, "In addition to this e-discovery challenge, there are an abundance of geographically specific laws and regulations. This is a challenge for environments that are virtualized across a global infrastructure. For example, the EU has stricter laws than the U.S. regarding the collection, processing, transport, and use of personal information. It also prohibits transporting information to countries that lack sufficient data protection laws and practices, so enterprises operating in the cloud must understand where the information is physically located and how it is moved."

The article also discusses issues associated with cloud computing and how this effects jurisdictional rules.

The article poses the following questions:
  • Does the vendor know and can it communicate exactly where the information is physically located? If the provider is a multinational firm, will it handle your data in a way that is consistent with the various jurisdictions?
  • Will the vendor be able to produce required information in an appropriate format in an appropriate time frame?
  • How is the data backed up? For how long is it stored? Is this consistent with your company’s record retention policies?
  • Can the vendor verify data destruction and stop destruction if necessary?


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