Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Security Concerns Limit Law Firms’ Use of Cloud Computing, The American Lawyer’s Technology Survey Finds

A post on the website by Rackmil Associates.

This post discusses some findings from the recently released American Lawyers Technology Survey.  A link to the AM law website is provided in the article, as well as a separate link to the survey results.

65% of the respondents referenced using some form of cloud computing, but mostly for non-core services.  Of interesting note, "Only 8% say they use the cloud for document management. “Security concerns” were cited as a drawback to cloud computing by 61% of respondents."

The respondents were among the AM Law 200 firms.  In addition, another interesting trend, "96% of respondents also have users on iOS, the operating system for the iPhone and iPad, up from 77% in 2010. Android devices are supported by 67% of firms, compared to 43% last year."


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