Friday, April 13, 2012

Farook Training College -Chitradurga Fort

Chitradurga Fort 
Chitradurga Fort is renowned for its Kallina Kote / Ukinna kote / Yelu Suttina kote which was built in parts by the Palegar Veer "Madakari Nayaka".

The old walled Town houses the impressive fort, built on the north eastern base of a cluster of rocky hills, qualifying it to be a Giridurga, or hill fortress.  Though the construction of this fort commenced during 10th Century A.D.
 it was completed only in 18th Century A.D during the rule of Palegars, with the latest additions being in the years leading to the 19th century, during the reign of Hyder Ali and later Tipu Sultan.
The fort is fortified by seven circular walls, three of which are on the ground and four on the hill. Chitradurga fort is said to have had 19 majestic doors, 38 smaller doors, 35 special entry points and four secret entrances. The fort is entered through four gateways of the outermost wall.
The foothills of the fort constitute the main residential area of the town. The Mel Durgas, forts on the hill are embellished with extensive fortifications, ramparts, bastions, batteries, watchtowers and entrances located at strategic points and house fourteen temples.
Some of the fort’s important landmarks are Thuppada Kola Betta, Hidimbagiri, Zadaa Battery (Flag battery), Kahale Battery (Trumpet battery), Lal Battery (Red battery) and Nellikai Battery (Gooseberry battery).
The main entrance to the fort, Kamanbhavi, has carvings of the seven – hooded cobra the legendary twin headed bird, Gandaberunda, the royal swan, Rajhamsa and lotus flowers.
There is ample scope for trekking, rock climbing and even a bit of mountaineering or just plain hiking. A whole day would be hardly enough too take in the beauty and splendour of Chitradurga Fort


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